Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ingredients and Purpose Lime

Ingredients and Purpose Lime

Orange juice is nutritious is still fresh lime. Character is round, smooth, shiny, feels soft when held, and choose a thin-skinned and green and yellow. The thinner the skin, the more water content fruit. Lime green and yellow generally have a stronger flavor and aroma is very distinctive and fresh. In 100 grams of lime, contained 27 mg of vitamin C, 40 mg calcium, and 22 mg of phosphorus. Vitamin C content high enough it resulted in a lime is very useful to enhance the immune system, delay the aging process of the skin (no wrinkles), and can function as antioxidants (to counteract the activity of free radicals resulting potential blockage of blood vessels). Because of the nature that can delay the aging process in skin, lime is often used for beauty treatments and complementary ingredients. The function of lime does not directly reduce hypertension. However, lemon can serve to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood. According cholesterol levels were expected to reduce hypertension. In lime, there is a fairly high limonin content (almost equivalent to its vitamin C content). Limonin content of a sufficiently high potential to reduce the production of apo B (a protein produced by the liver) which helps the formation of LDL cholesterol (which is easily deposited on the walls of blood vessels). Since the production of LDL cholesterol decreased as a result of lack of production of apo B, blood vessel walls are not thickened and stiff, so fast hypertension can be decreased. To obtain an optimal effect, especially to prevent skin wrinkles or reduce blood cholesterol levels, limes in drinks can be consumed every day at least one citrus fruit juice. To add a delicious lemon, juice can be made.

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