Saturday, January 28, 2012

Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Plantae (the plant) is divided into three kinds, namely:

Kingdom Plantae
a. Plant moss (Bryophyta)
The characteristics, namely:
- Gametophyte phase (phase produces sex cells of male and female) live longer than the phase sporophytes (spore producing phase).
- Do not have a beam transport vessels
- The role can prevent flooding and is able to provide water during the dry season because it can absorb and hold rainwater
- The principal organ just like the roots, stems, and leaves.

Kingdom Plantae
b. Pteridophyta (ferns)
The characteristics
- Includes a low level because plants have not been able to produce seeds
- Has organ roots, stems, and leaves the real
- Reproduction done in vegetative and generative
1. Vegetative: Through fragmentation, forming buds, forming stem tubers, shoots forming roots
2. Generative: With the fertilization of an egg by spermatozoid which produce a zygote
- Benefits of ferns for humans
1. Medicinal
example: Lycopodium clavatum, Aspidium filixmas
2. Foodstuff
example: Marsilea crenata, Alsophia glauca
3. Ornamental plants
example: Adiantum cuneatum, Platycerium, Selaginella
Kingdom Plantae
4. Green manure
example: Azolla pinnata
5. Materials bouquets
example: Lycopodium
6. Coal-forming materials
example: Order lepidodendralea

c. Spermatophyta (seed plants)
- It is true cormophyta consists of roots, stems, and leaves
- Generate interest so-called anthophyta
- Sexual reproduction by seeds and asexually by forming vegetative organs
Kingdom Plantae
- Spermatophyta divided into two, namely:
1. Gymnosperms or seed plants open
= Do not have a real interest
= Benefits
a). Conifers can be used for building materials
b). Produce resins
c). To make food
2. Angiosperms or seed plants closed
= Having real flowers that are hermaphrodite
= Angiospermae divided into 2 dikotil and monocot
= Formation comes from the cleavage of the female gametophyte nucleus bladder secondary institutions
= Benefits
a). As a source kabohidrat
example: wheat, sago, rice, and corn
b). Sources of protein
example: Soybean and mungbean
c). Sources of fat
d). Vegetable
e). Fruits
f). Clothing materials
g). Giving pleasure
h). Drugs
i). Building materials.

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