Saturday, January 28, 2012

Kingdom Animalia

Kingdom Animalia
A. Invertebrate

1). Phylum Porifera
The characteristics
- Animals whose body was riddled with holes
- Asexual reproduction by forming buds. While sexually by fusion of ovum and spermatozoid internally because they are hermaphrodites
- The role of Porifera, as:
> Tools scouring the bath
> Equipment cleaning glass or other items
> Jewelry household

Kingdom Animalia
2). Phylum Coelenterata
The characteristics
- Animals which are hollow cavities where it serves as an intestinal
- In metagenesisnya, Coelenterata have a 2 kinds of polyps in body shape (like a cylinder attached to a base can not move freely) and medusa-shaped (like an umbrella that can swim are free)
- Role of Coelenterata, namely:
> In order to withstand the waves hit
> As a marine park
> For jewelry
> To take refuge and breeding ground for marine life
> As a tourist attraction
> To make the road and building foundation

3). Phylum Platyhelminthes
The characteristics
- Flattened body shape, triploblastik (ie ekstoderm has 3 layers, mesoderm, and endoderm)
- Do not have a body cavity, bilaterally symmetrical, not segmented
- Digestive system is not perfect
- System of excretion by the cells fire
- The nervous system in the form of a rope ladder
- Characteristically hermaphrodites, fertilization is internal
- Role of
In general, adverse

4). Phyla Nemathelminthes
The characteristics
- The thread-like worms whose bodies
- The body is not segmented, tripoblastik, because the body cavity quasi pseudoselom
- Tool digestion from the mouth, esophagus, intestines, and anus
- Equipment in which individuals separately Reproductive males are smaller and posterior ends bent

5). Phylum Annelida
The characteristics
- The worm whose body is composed of segments that resembles a small bracelet
- Having the tool motion in the form of stiff hairs or state, tripoblastik, and have an actual body cavity
- Digestive tract complete
- Closed circulatory system, excretion by nefridia
- Annelids have klitelum (thickening of the epidermis that produce animal protein to bind and form a copulation was cocon as a fertilized egg cups
- Role, namely:
> To help enrich the soil (earthworms)
> Hirudo, produces hirudin for anticoagulation or anti-clotting
> As a source of protein (worms Wawo)
> For livestock and fish food (earthworms)

6). Phylum Mollusca
The characteristics
- The group of animals whose bodies are soft
- There is segmented and generally has a shell
- Closed circulatory system
- Excretion by nefridia
- The role of molluscs, namely:
> Sources of food (squid)
> Materials jewelry (pearl oysters)
> Harden the road (shells)
> For infants in East India cage (shells Triadacna)
> Jewelry shirt
> Destructive wooden building on the quay (Teredo Navalis)
> Destructive crop cultivation (Achatina)

7). Phylum Arthropoda
The characteristics
- The group of animals whose legs were jointed-joints
- Outer frame consists of a substance chitin, can be distinguished between the head, chest or abdominal or thoracic and abdominal
- The mouth at the anterior end and the anus at the posterior end
- The tool body is complete

8). Phylum Echinodermata
The characteristics
- The group of animals whose skin is prickly
- Characteristically triploblastik, not segmented, symmetry, his radical
- Movement with a system ambulakral

B. Vertebrate
The characteristics
- Having a bilaterally symmetrical body with the division of the body consists of head, neck, body, and tail
- Has the composition of the vertebrae
- Have a brain inside the cranium (skull)
- The skin of vertebrates comprising multiple layers of the epidermis (the outermost skin) and dermis (inner skin)

1). Pisces (fish)
- Living in water
- Body temperature is not fixed (cold blooded) or called poikiloterm
- Pisces body consists of head and body or head, body, and tail
- The skin (cutis) at large scales there are four kinds of scales, ie cycloid, stenoid, plakoid, and ganoid
- Possessing a pair of jaws, except Agnata (no jawed fish)

2). Amphibians
- Classified as poikiloterm animals (cold blooded)
- Having two nostrils associated with oral cavity

3). Reptiles
- The skin of reptiles is dry, scaly, substances derived from horn, not slimy, and contain little glands
- Despite living in the water still breathe with lungs
Kingdom Animalia

4). Aves (birds)
- Consisting of head, neck, body, and tail
- Part no toothed birds
- The bones of birds are relatively mild because of the hollow
- Having a sound bag (siring) contained in tracheal branching

5). Mammals
- The division of mammalian body consists of head (caput), neck (cervical), body (trunk) and tail (cauda)
- Has the mammary gland (milk glands) and nipples, place it boils down to mammary glands channels
- The skin has oil glands (to lubricate the hair).
Kingdom Animalia

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