Saturday, December 31, 2011


How to prevent:
Eat less tasty-tasty, and that contain lots of sugar and enough exercise. Recipes and ways of treatment as follows:
a. Mulberry leaves 1 handful
b. 1 handful of leaves meniran
c. 1 handful of leaves of cat's whiskers
d. Kemetir or Chinese banana 1 handful

4 kinds of ingredients are boiled in 3 cups water to boiling and reserving 1 1 / 2 cup. Drink 3 times a day each 1 / 2 cup.


Another recipe is take lamtoro gung (a type of banana kemetir or china or mlanding) dried in the sun until dry, then fry fried roasted like coffee, then crushed into powder like coffee powder.
Way of life:
Take 11 / 2 teaspoons powdered lamtoro gung, then brewed with a glass of hot water. If it's lukewarm or warm drink three times a day.

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