Saturday, December 24, 2011

Efficacy FRUIT Cucumber

Efficacy FRUIT Cucumber

Cucumber fruit in addition to functioning as well as vegetables, fruits, and also has another very important efficacy, namely:
1. As a skin
Here's how:
Cucumber peeled and sliced, if you will sleep rub the cucumber slices around the face, or on both arms. Morning I wake up that we rub our skin with cucumber is wiped with a damp towel that has been moistened with warm water. Do about 3 times only, the skin will grow fine.

2. As an ulcer drug
Here's how:
Cucumber and grated nutmeg. Then the grater is wrapped in banana leaves, then baked like baking bread. If the dough is warm, put on the skin that is the boil, then with a cloth bandage and do at least 5 days in a row. And boils will break by itself.

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