Saturday, January 14, 2012



The more intelligent the child, the faster the speaking skills mastered, so the sooner be able to speak.

Types of discipline
Children who grew up with a discipline that tends to talk more weakly than children whose parents are tough and the view that "children should be seen but not heard."

The position of the sequence
Eldest child is encouraged to talk more than his sister and parents have a lot more time to talk with her sister.

The amount of family
Single child is encouraged to talk more than children from large families and parents have more time to talk to him. In large families, more authoritarian discipline enforced and this inhibits the children to speak as he pleases.

Economic status
In the lower-class family, family activities tend to be less organized than the middle and upper class families. Conversations between family members are also rare and less children are encouraged to speak.

Status of race
Quality and speaking skills are less well on most black children may be caused in part because they were raised in homes where fathers are absent, or where family life is irregular because of the child or because the mother must work outside the home.

Speaking two
Although children from families who speak two may talk as much as children from families speaking one, but limited his conversation partner when he was with a group of peers or with adults outside the home.


Classification of sex roles
There are classification effects of sex roles in conversation even though children are still children in the preschool years. Boys are expected to talk less than girls. What is said and how to say it is expected to differ from girls. Boasting and criticizing others, for example, is considered more appropriate for boys. While girls only natural that other people complained.

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