Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Competition duty as a parent
Parents who have experienced caring for their children earlier, following courses are given in the clinic prior to the birth or care of the children had previous children or neighbors, more confident in carrying out the role of parents than those who do not have experience.

The experience of childbirth
Mother's attitude toward the baby will be more fun if the experience of childbirth is relatively easier than childbirth experience a long, difficult and accompanied by physical complications. The attitude of the father is also colored by the experience of childbirth from his wife.

The physical condition of the mother after delivery
The faster the health of the mother recovering after giving birth, the more pleasant attitude towards the baby and the more convinced he is on the ability to satisfactorily perform the role of mother.

Worried about the cost
If there were complications at birth, such as caesarean surgery, birth of minors who require special care and should be much longer stay in hospital, or a congenital defect or defects that appear at the time of birth, the parents' attitudes to be overshadowed worries about the cost of not unforeseen.

If it turns out that the baby is suspected of or suffering from disabilities, parents' attitudes to be colored by disappointment, anxiety, about how an infant in the future and about the extra costs of disability resulting from it.

Adjustment postnatal infant
The faster and better adjustment to the baby in the postnatal environment then the attitudes of parents will be more enjoyable.

The crying baby
Infants who continue to cry and without any obvious causes will encourage the development of attitudes that are less pleasing not only to parents but also on all family members.

Hatred of the elderly in care, privacy, and expenses
If the parents deal with the fact that infant care requires more work, causing shortages and have to pay more than previously imagined. Their attitude to the baby will be less enjoyable than if they had prepared themselves to face the conditions typically encountered parents.

Anxious about the baby normality
If the baby is touched to stay longer in hospital than usual because the minors, because of some disability or because of difficulties in the postnatal adjustment, parents not only anxious about the normalcy of her baby but also on their ability to care for her after leaving the hospital.

Anxious about the survival of infants
If the infant should stay longer in hospital than usual and should be given special attention, parents become anxious about the baby's survival. If the baby had lived, parents tend to be very protective.

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