Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Baby's sensory abilities

Baby's sensory abilities
Neonatal infant field of vision is not blind but only about half of the adult visual field, because the rod eye has not developed except around the fovea. Color vision is absolutely no or very minimal because of the eye cone cell undeveloped. Because muscle weakness, babies can not focus both eyes on the same object together and consequently, all look blurry. There is evidence that every baby reacts to bright light is different, but the evidence is not convincing. Ability to follow a moving object and then moving the eyes back-optic nystagmus-arising in the first week for horizontal movement and vertical movement at the moment for later.

There is an assumption that the loss is the least developed sense at birth, most noted for the middle ear is clogged by the amniotic fluid for several days after birth did not allow the sound waves enter the ear-in, which is located auditory cells, and partly because these cells only partially developed. Low frequency tone can be heard more quickly than the high frequency and babies are more quick to react to the sound of human voices than other sounds. Hearing normally develops in the first three or four days with the discharge of amniotic fluid from the middle ear, so the baby can find the direction of the sound and can distinguish the sound of high voices and identities.

The cells for the olfactory located at the top of the nose has been developed at birth. That infants can distinguish the odor can be seen from the attempt to avoid unpleasant stimuli by crying and keep turning the body and head and toward the pleasant stimuli babies react and sucking on a calm state of body.

Because taste is strongly influenced by smell and because the cells for taste are located on the surface of the tongue and cheek area has grown so the baby is a sharp taste. In general, infants reacted positively to the sweet stimuli with a calm body and sucking, and gave a negative reaction to the stimulus that salty, sour, and bitter weeping and writhing.

Sensitivity of organic
Sensitivity to hunger was fully developed at birth and hunger contractions occur on the first day. At that moment the thirst exist.

Skin sensitivity 
Sense organ for touch, pressure, and temperature has been developed at birth and is located near the surface of the skin. Lip skin is very sensitive to be touched while the skin of the body, thighs, and arms are less sensitive. Sensitivity to cold is more developed than the sensitivity to heat. Sensitivity to pain is weak on the first day or two after birth and then rapidly increased. Reaction to pain develops more quickly in front of the body than the rear.

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