Saturday, December 10, 2011

Long-term effects of premature infants

Long-term effects of premature infants

Physical development and health
Premature babies are usually smaller than infants born of age, and usually tend to remain smaller than their peers even reached puberty stage where growth is usually greatly improved. During the first year of preterm infants experience more pain, and suffering from more severe disease compared with infant age. Tendency "sickly" settled until childhood. They often suffer from physical disabilities, especially the eye defects caused by anoxia, which is a common problem in preterm birth.

Developmental delays
Until the age of two or three years they often lag in development compared with infants of age. For example, they often late sitting, standing, and talking.

Sensory behaviors
Premature babies are very sensitive to all forms of sound, to color, and a moving object. Therefore, at the time he grew more disturbed than the baby's old enough.

Control of motor
Premature babies are often clumsy and have poor posture. Cerebral palsy often occurs as a result of brain damage.

Development of speech
Speech development in premature infants is slower than a baby who is of age. Babble-babble baby last longer and he has more experience in speech defects, especially the stutter. Premature babies also tend to have fewer vocabulary and made many mistakes in the structuring of the sentence.

As a group, the preterm children had lower IQ scores than children who are born with age, and he suffered a more severe mental disabilities due to brain injury. Reading and math test scores tend to be lower and the class under normal children.

social adjustment of preterm children who tend to be poor than children old enough. This situation continues until adolescence and partly due to the attitude of parents who are very protective. They also showed more behavior that invites trouble at every stage of life.

Emotional behavior
Some children tend to be apathetic premature emotionally, but more often become grumpy, irritable, and being negative. Emotional turmoil, as the properties of nervousness, such as irritability, rage, bursting, and suck your thumb, is prevalent.

Deviant behaviors
When the infant who suffered brain damage at birth grow large, they demonstrated deviant behavior, such as accident prone, nervous gestures and hyperkinetic, irregular behavior. If brain damage is only minor and temporary, they may show irregularities of behavior, especially behavior that is less mature and self-serving. This is mainly because they terlamapau protected by parents who are always worried.

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